Monday, December 16, 2013


We can't believe that Christmas is right around the corner! We have our tree all adorned with decorations, lights, and presents. We've sent out our presents as well (thank you Amazon Prime!). Our holiday cards are almost ready to go out too! 

Ollie met Santa Claus at his play gym and would not crack a smile for the camera. He was dead serious the entire time. We finally got an okay picture after snapping about 20 of them. I guess his serious face is better than his cry face. I was hoping for a fat jolly Santa but instead got a skinny Santa that didn't say a word to the kids. Oh well, better luck next year. 

We spent Thanksgiving with friends here in Charleston and will be doing the same for Christmas. We've traveled so much last year that we just wanted a nice and quiet holiday. But of course, that can only last so long right? 

After Christmas and before New Year's Eve, we'll be spending a long weekend in Atlanta, GA. We're not sure what we are going to do there yet. We heard that the United State's biggest aquarium is there. We also learned from the Food Network that there is an amazing international market there as well!

Ollie and I will be heading back west to California in a month to meet his new baby cousin Alexander. We're only there for a short trip. I really didn't want to travel again until the spring but I'm anxious to meet that little nephew of mine. Oh well… I promise this will be the last trip before April when we head up to Washington DC / northern Virginia for a wedding.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

busy busy busy...

It really has been busy for us here. However, we're done with our travels for the year (maybe except for a weekend trip to Atlanta, GA). Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, Christmas is just right around the corner.

We spent Thanksgiving with Andy's colleague's family. It was a lot of fun and a lot of great food. I made a pumpkin cake with pumpkin cream cheese frosting topped with candied pecans. Yum.

The Christmas tree is up and our Christmas Elf has made his presence in our home (we have yet to name him). I made a couple of wreaths to hang, and even made one for our neighbors. Andy and I are not huge "Christmas people" so we don't go crazy over this holiday, and Oliver is too young to understand it at this point. We've been purchasing many things for the home and for me to start my business (more information to come as I get started next year). So presents are not high on our list of to-do's. We'll save that for next year when Oliver is more aware of what is going on.

For now, enjoy some pictures from our trip these last couple of months.