Thursday, March 6, 2014

Where has the time gone?

We can't believe how big Oliver has gotten! He started sitting up at 6 months, crawling backwards and in circles at 7 months, and crawling forward and pulling up at 8 months. He's been eating solids consistently since 6 months as well. He also mastered drinking out of a straw last week. He'll be walking in no time! 

Currently Oliver's favorite things include: bread, bananas, clementines, assisted walking and he's finally warming up to dad. 

Right now Oliver's been hit with a stomach virus that as been going around so there's been a lot of diaper changes these last couple of days. Along with that, he has been extra needy (as if he wasn't needy enough already). I've been giving him extra cuddles and wearing him more than usual. I hope he gets better soon. 

The weather here has been so weird recently. It's been an extra cold winter. A couple of weeks ago, we were in the high 70's, so Ollie and I spent some time at the beach. 

We haven't been to the beach since Christmas Eve. So this was a whole new experience to him. He made lots of friends and played with a Chihuahua puppy. Everyone swooned over his hat and his infectious smile! 

Last weekend was gorgeous too. I spent it doing yard work while Andy took care of Oliver. I uprooted four bushes along the backside of the house. I hated those bushes from the moment I laid my eyes on them and I finally convinced Andy to let me get rid of them. It took me six hours to dig them out but it was well worth it. I plan to create a tropical flower bed in place of it. I can't wait for it to stop raining so I can get started! While I was digging away, Oliver had a mini photo shoot with Andy.

We're pleased to introduce our new garden gnome.  

We finally had a chance to visit Andy at work again and introduce him to all the staff that Andy works with. The ladies all loved him. He's been experiencing some separation anxiety lately so it took him awhile to warm up to everyone and allow them to hold him. Of course, Ollie had to dress to impress! I really like him in hats but I think he's finally starting to notice them and pulls off his hats every chance he gets. However, he's still ok with toques. Here's our little man in Janie & Jack, BabyGap, and cool mustache shoes from Uncle Allen and Auntie Zoe.