Monday, June 10, 2013


A is in nesting mode. I think it's finally hit A that baby O will be here in no time! it's all still so surreal to us though. we've always only been responsible for ourselves, then each other, and now... we'll be responsible for a whole new little human being. 

we're still trying to get the house together, room by room. first A worked on the garage. it was a three day project but he expoxy'ed the garage floor and organized our storage items so we have a functioning garage, a garage where we can actually park a car if we wanted to! next up, he finally hung the mirror in our half bathroom, which he's now calling the "bird room" because i decided to decorate it with bird prints. next he worked hard on painting an accent wall in our master bath. and finally he tackled the odd shaped closet (picture above) in our guest room. it's long and narrow and has a window. he cut the corners and painted it. today he'll put up custom shelving, rods and hooks. again, we're all about functionality, something this closet totally lacks simply due to it's location and narrowness. hope it turns out nice.

i've nested and i'm tired. since completing baby O's room, i've attempted to make the house more "user friendly" for A. he's never had to worry about hand wash or laundry detergent, so i stocked up on those items. i also tried to set up an easy billing payment system so we won't get bogged down with these everyday life things. i finally relinquished my california residency for a south carolina one and officially changed my name on my driver's license. it was a sad day but it had to be done.

as far as baby O, we had our weekly glimpse of him at our ultrasound last friday. he's still a little peanut weighing in at about 5 pounds 12 ounces. it's likely that due to his size, we'll be expecting him this week. our ob office is worried that his growth may be due to him not receiving enough nutrients. so if i don't go into spontaneous labor by tuesday morning this week, we get to choose his birth date. yikes...

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